Filing Your Taxes for 2013

The April 30, 2014 deadline for filing 2013 personal income taxes is rapidly approaching. Now is the time to begin gathering the information necessary to complete your returns. 
Cross & Co offers personal income tax services. It is important you let us know if there are any changes that may affect your personal taxes. Here is a checklist you can use as a guide to help make sure we have everything we need to prepare your taxes. 
Life is always bringing on new changes; make sure we are up to date so we don’t miss out on getting you the best return on your money. 
Also, please be aware under ITA Subsection 163(1), a taxpayer who fails to report an amount required to be included in income (including all slips), and who had previously failed to report an amount in any of the three preceding tax years, will be liable to a 10% Federal penalty and, in most cases, a 10% Provincial penalty on all unreported income.