SR&ED Tax Credit

Your trusted SR&ED tax credit consultants.

Have you heard of the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Tax Incentive Program? The Canadian government encourages businesses to innovate and offers significant incentives to those that do. However, less than 15% of businesses that qualify for these benefits actually apply! The SR&ED Tax Incentive program is the largest form of federal government funding for research and development.

Don’t miss out on valuable funding for your business.

Our accountants can assist in preparing and submitting claims for the SR&ED Tax Incentive program. The SR&ED tax credit is available to businesses of all sizes, and if eligible, you can receive cash refunds and/or tax credits for expenditures on eligible R&D work done in Canada.


While many companies can claim to be specialists in SR&ED tax credits, Cross & Company has a proven record of successful SR&ED claims. With over five years of annual claim management across a variety of industries, you can trust our team to maximize your CRA Scientific Research & Experimental Development credit.

Learn about the SR&ED tax credit program.

What is Scientific Research & Development?

The CRA’s SR&ED tax credit program is intended to encourage businesses of all sizes, particularly small to medium and start-up firms, to conduct research and development (R&D) that will lead to new, improved, or technologically advanced products, processes, devices, and materials. The Canadian SR&ED tax credit is the government’s largest single support program for R&D.

What does an SR&ED consultant cost?

Most SR&ED consultants in Canada operate on a percentage basis, generally taking 20-30% of your claim as a commission. However, Cross & Company operates on a flat fee basis. Typically, this works out to a lesser figure than a 20-30% commission. This also positions us to ensure your SR&ED claim is accurate & fair, reducing the likelihood of audit & questioning after submission.

How can I maximize my SR&ED CRA claim?

Ensure your company technical leadership is consulted to analyze what projects & activities have been undertaken that could be included in your Scientific Research & Experimental Development Claim.

  • Frame each project in a way that fully outlines research time & benefits to success.
  • Take time to fully develop a technical outline of each project/activity.
  • Analyze each year’s claim and put in place a plan to maximize the size of your SRED claim in subsequent years.
Let us help you access the incentives your business needs.

At Cross & Company, we can determine if your business is missing out on valuable incentives and grants how you can access them. If you need support with your Scientific Research & Development Tax Credit Claim or have questions about the services we offer, please contact our team today.